Hey there you made it!

Sunshine on a breezy day. 

A hug you didn’t know you needed.

A laugh that could cure your sadness.

Things friends have said were their favorite things about me. These little about me sections are hard to write, because they feel inauthentic. I am a “what you see is what you get” type of person. I cuss like a sailor, but hold my tongue with kiddos around. I don’t drink alcohol, and prefer a good chai or mudwtr to coffee. But I will absolutely be down to go to a local place and get some brew. Some days I pray for the feeling of rain on my skin, but others you’ll see me peeling the sunburn off my skin. We live at the “beach” in the summer, and I’m almost always with my kids. We love to travel this country of ours. Going to absolute bonkers of places, and never the same place twice, except Ohio.

The family and I live in central southern Illinois. A little town about 45 mins north of St. Louis. It’s literally a hallmark town waiting to happen. I love it. We’ve got a doggo that Barks at the wind, and a cat that will swat your hand if you even look her way. Their coats match, and that was not intentional. Just a happy accident. 

A little about me and photography. I fell in love when I was a child. My step mama had a Minolta that I tried to steal every chance I could. She took the photos of my childhood. As I grew I got really into disposable cameras, and would buy one for almost every weekend. As more modern cameras came out, you know what I did. Ha! Now I am what they call an eclectic gear junky. I’m not one that gets the latest and greatest. I get the quirky that makes photography fun. So you may see me pull out a prism, or use my phone to make reflective surfaces. Use my modern vintage looking flash to get a really fun look at your wedding reception. It’s all about fun and breaking the rules that were meant to be broken. 

Hopefully you feel like you know me a little better, if you have questions just ask me. I can’t wait to work with you, and tell your stories of now. It’s going to be a blast!

With Love, 


""To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don't need to be accepted by others, you need to be accepted by yourself.""

Thich Nhat Hanh
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